Live Well: The Six Dimensions of Wellness

I can honestly say that my aspiration each and every day when I wake up is to live well. For me, that can mean something different each day, but at it’s foundation it’s starting each day with a clear head and doing whatever it takes to maintain an able body.

I believe that it’s safe to say that everyone’s wellness journey is personal to them. The objective to live well means many things to many people.

But what is wellness?

Is it to just be healthy?

Yes and no.

By definition, wellness is the state of being in good health. If you want to get even more technical about it, wellness is the active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It’s more than being free from illness, it’s a state of being fulfilled and balanced in every aspect of your life.

There are six dimensions of wellness that make up the total wellness of a person. While your standing may not always be equal in each dimension, finding balance between the six are vital to maintaining your overall health, well-being, and quality of life.

What are the six dimensions of wellness?

The six dimensions of wellness are:

  1. Emotional Wellness: Being aware of and comfortable with your emotional presence, thoughts, and feelings.

  2. Intellectual Wellness: The ongoing pursuit of increasing your knowledge, skills, and abilities through mentally stimulating activities.

  3. Occupational Wellness: Finding satisfaction and enrichment in work that aligns with your values and allows you to contribute your gifts, skills, and talents.

  4. Physical Wellness: Maintaining your body through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and establishing healthy habits.

  5. Social Wellness: How you connect with others, contribute to your community, and find satisfaction in your interpersonal relationships.

  6. Spiritual Wellness: Exploring and understanding the key principles, beliefs and values that give meaning and purpose to your life.

How can I balance the six dimensions of wellness and live well?

I like to think of the dimensions of wellness as the pieces of a pie that when put together makes a whole. The pieces of each part works together in your definition of living well. You can find balance and live well by understanding what being well means to you in each dimensions and regularly taking inventory of where you stand. Are you in a place where you feel like you are rocking it or do you feel like you need a little work? Often, we will need a little work in some areas and that’s ok. We won’t always be at 100% in each area. It’s also important to note that each person’s needs are different. I may need to do more in the intellectual area than someone else to feel balanced.

In the end though, the goal is to continuously practice self-care in a way that allows you to maintain and improve in each respective dimension of wellness. When we practice self-care routinely, we give ourselves the chance to reboot and grow as often as we need. What that looks varies from person to person, but the end result is always the same, we each get to live well.

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