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Struggling with your resolutions? Learn how to adapt and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.
Learn how to use your New Year's resolution to achieve your health and wellness goals this year with realistic tips, a strong support system, and sustainable habits.
Apples are a nutrient-dense fruit, offering a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds with relatively few calories. Read more about the health benefits of Apples.
Aromatherapy is the use of natural plant extracts, or essential oils to promote health and well being. The oils can be used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes either aromatically, internally, or topically. Aromatherapy can help you reclaim your personal power in your healing journey, nurture your body, and gain a better sense of balance in your life.
Adopting a healthier lifestyle is often associated with taking on a new diet that typically isn’t manageable long term. Learning to use portion control allows you to eat the correct portion of food to meet your nutritional needs and avoid unrealistic dieting expectations. We can eat the thing we need and have a few of the things we want… portion control is the key!
Check out my interview for the Kickin’ It With Kay and Clay Podcast about Physical Self-care.
Break free from the perfection trap and learn how consistency, small daily habits, and mindset shifts lead to lasting wellness results. Discover practical tips to stay on track and make progress in your health journey